6th Degree Black Belt Master Instructor
20+ years Martial Arts experience
ATA Certified Instructor since 2009
Multi-Time State & District Champion
15 Time World top 10 Competitor
Graduate of The Ohio State University
I started my Martial Arts journey back in 1996. I struggled with coordination and focus as a child, and a family friend recommended my parents enroll me in Martial Arts. So, they took me to a school one town over and I began my training. Days turned to months and months to years as I kept with it training and progressing through the ranks. My parents instantly saw a difference in my confidence, and focus at school. I became an avid competitor, training 5 days a week and never missed a local tournament!
Right about when I was 14, things got serious. I had been offered a job as an Assistant Instructor after volunteering for years in the beginner classes. The rest is history… Taekwondo went from my favorite sport, to my passion!
Perseverance has paid off as I now own a school all of my own in Grove City, Ohio. I have overcome failures and set backs both in tournaments, as well as in business. My mindset now… to offer the BEST martial arts training in the Southwest Columbus area. My goal, is to share my passion with those in my community. Why? Because Martial Arts gave me the Confidence and Perseverance to become the person I am today. Grove City ATA is my dream, a place where Everyone is Welcome and where everyone can come learn, have fun and become the BEST version of themselves they can be!